Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Funny Farm

Today I took Josh to a birthday party for his best friend. It was alot of fun. It's nice to know he has dear friends with wonderful parents that I trust my son with.

Our 2004 Nissan Quest just got its 5th battery in 4 years!! I think I have a ghost in my car! It beeps at me, locks on its own, messes up the radio, and so much more. At least no one has hit me in it. I am thankful for that, and it is paid off!

I am thankful for my friends, and beginning this year I plan on letting you all know that more often. We never know when we draw our last breath and I don't want to have any regrets, so to those who read my page, I am thankful for my life. I am so blessed with my family and good friends. I am thankful to be in the refiners fire and that I have areas in my life that I am working on. Please read the book, THE CHRISTMAS JARS. Our family will be reading it together this year and starting a jar of our own for someone who needs it. Thank you for reading this, thank you for your love and support, and thank you for being you! I love you for all your do.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Life in the computer age

Well friends and foes! I think I am finally doing this!! I am learning how to create my very first blog. I hope to update weekly. I am somewhat computer challenged so this will be interesting. Be patient with me. This is our most recent family photo when out oldest son was baptized! Can you believe I have an 8 year old son!!! I can't. Life has changed me. I hope to share my story with you on my blog. for now let's hope this works!